
Settling in Canada is complex and multifaceted. While our multiculturalism sets the stage for an accessible and diverse place for immigrants to settle in, the country's socio-institutional standards dim that stage by dictating the rules by which to "fit in" in this society. This culture contributes to issues surrounding racial access to community resources and cultural expression.

These images depict a different version of our society, where it's normalized to express our diverse cultures in the mundane but necessary resources needed in every community. This version respects and protects multiculturalism's power to contribute vibrancy and dynamism to its society, recognizing that the presence of multiple cultures can bring a range of new ideas, perspectives, and traditions, which can enrich the community's cultural landscape and make it more interesting and exciting. In our version, cultural expression can serve as a means of resistance against oppression or assimilation. Still, in this world, cultural expression is identified as a powerful tool for preserving and promoting cultural diversity, which is essential for the health and vibrancy of any society.

Photos by Christine Lim, courtesy of DesignTO. 

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