
“Illuminate” is a representation of how Black people shine. 

A colour shines on each person to represent their individuality — this is to show how diverse Black people are. Our different characteristics and journeys differentiate us from any other person in the world. But beyond that, we are still connected. The light behind each person represents the light that connects us as Black people. Our struggle, our pain, our laughter, our culture, these are the things that make us who we are. It makes us different as people. That light makes us, us. No one else can replicate that. 

The individuals in the photos were asked to come in as comfortably as they wanted. I wanted to encourage them to be themselves and take photos that captured their essence. I hope that this piece empowers and inspires Black people to be themselves and see that they are beautiful just as they are.

Featured on CBC Radio show Metro Morning with Ismalia Alfa.

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